White Resin21 glue UV LED by Colle21 - White Resin UV + Lamp LED. Resin for modelism and DIY

Sale price€13,90


White resin glue LED UV Colle21White resinResin for Modelism, DIY resin. 

White resin LED UV glue by Colle21 is a mono-component epoxy resin whose hardening is activated by UV light. 

Insolation time with the UV LED lamp is between 20 and 60 seconds maximum to obtain a complete polymerization. 

The interest of this glue lies in the patented principle of pre-activation: (photocurable after 2 to 8 seconds of insolation) the glue remains liquid, allowing the assembly of the elements with the UV LED lamp 

Resin White UV LED glue by Colle21 then hardens until the final resistance with the lamp UV LED, without additional irradiation, ideal function for mechanically mounted parts where the White glue resin is not immediately requested as well as for very short production cycle times, in series.  

UV LED white resin glue by Colle21 presents extremely high stability to UV, at high ambient temperatures from -40° C to +150° C) as well as possible chemical attacks.  

Advantages and preparation of the workspace for the LED resin glue by Colle21 with application advice: 

Benefits : 

  • The main advantage of the UV LED white resin glue by Colle21 resides in his extremely fast hardening time. Unlike epoxy resin, which requires between 24 and 72 hours to harden, the UV LED Resin by Colle21 hardened in just a few minutes. 

  • These products are also easier to use, since they are employment without the need to mix, unlike Resins Bi-component epoxy. 

Preparation of workspace: 

  • Protective gear : To guarantee your safety, it is essential to wear gloves and an organic gas mask. 

  • If a mask is not available, make sure you ventilate your room. It is also recommended to use protective glasses to avoid any contact with the resin with the eyes. 

  • Preparation of accessories: Note that, unlike bi-component epoxy resin kits, products based on UV LED Resin by Colle21 are not provided with gloves. 

  • It is therefore crucial to acquire separately before starting your project. 

  • Safety and cleanliness of the place: UV LED Resin White by Colle21 can be irritating in contact with the skin. 


Use this product under the supervision of an adult. 
Contains substances that can cause allergies. Use appropriate protection devices and see the security data sheet. 

  • However, once hardened, it ceases to be irritating. It is recommended to remove young children and animals from the workspace, remove your jewelry and wear clothes suitable for DIY to avoid any accident. 

  • Protection of workspace: Protect your work surface with a silicone mat to facilitate cleaning and avoid damaging your furniture. Resin is difficult, if not impossible, to be removed from a wooden table once hardened. Also make sure to practice this activity in the shade, because great brightness or direct sunlight can harden the Resin Very quickly, even without UV LED lamp. 

Application tips to avoid bubbles: 

  • Preparation before pouring: Avoid shaking your bottle of UV LED White Resin glue by Colle21 in order to prevent bubble training. For colored mixtures, it is advisable to arrange your resin in hermetic boxes in light about 30 minutes before pouring it into your mold. 

  • These boxes are essential to keep your UV LED resin colorful for several weeks. 

  • Temperature optimization: To improve resin treatment, place your bottle and mold on an electric heated carpet specially designed to condition the Resin. 

  •  Another surface with very soft warmth, such as a hot water bottle, can also be used. 

  • The heat application helps bubbles to rise to the surface and to burst. 

  • Finishing technique: You can also quickly pass the flame from a lighter on the surface of the UV LED White Resin glue by Colle21 To remove superficial bubbles. 

  •  This fast and efficient method makes it possible to obtain a smooth finish and without imperfections. 

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