Comment enlever la Colle Super Glue Cyano ?

Have you stained an item of clothing? Glued your fingers together with Super Glue? Got it all over your worktop? etc. No problem, here are some simple and effective solutions to get rid of unwanted glue stains. 

How to detach a garment? 

To detach a garment is very simple, you need to soak the garment in water.
Once done, apply a little bit of Debonder by Colle21 on the area stained by the super glue.
Rub with a toothbrush and wash the garment. 

How to peel off your fingers, taken by the super glue cyano glue? 

No worries no need to amputate :-) 

Super glue Cyano Colle21 glues are formulated so as to allow a strong and durable collage over time. 

If you have stuck your fingers, here is how to take them off. 

- With Acetone Colle21, remove glue residues on your finger 

- Wash your hands with soapy water and rinse with clear water. 

- Dry your hands and pass a moisturizer. 

How to remove the super glue cyano glue from your worktop? 

- On a cloth Apply a little bit of acetone by glue21 Or Debonder BY Colle21 then apply to the surface and wait a few minutes to see if the stained area accepts acetone. 

- Gently rub the glue residues with the imbiber cloth of acetone21

- Once the stain is part, with a watershed in the water buffer the desired surface then with a dry cloth pass on the desired area to dry everything.

How to remove the glue on the plastic? 

To remove glue stains on plastic or excess glue where you have glued, you can use our Debonder21 which is a liquid cyanoacrylate glue remover. 

To remove the glue on the plastic help yourself with Debonder21 :

-Using the brush applicator or spray bottle supplied with Debonder21, apply the product to the desired area.

- Rub until there is no more glue on your plastic.

- Sanding the area may be necessary depending on the amount of super glue cyano glue applied.

You can also use this technique on your collage points where there would be a surplus of unwanted glue. 

If despite all these tips you still cannot detach your objects I advise you to burn them, no I'm joking :-) I would advise you to be more persevering and delicate because our products are designed so as not to be Not too aggressive, which could cause more damage.

This could save you from an unpleasant dry-cleaning bill !