Cenere Di Legno

Prix réduit€11,90


In the heart of slumbering forests, after the crackle of a fire that raged throughout the night, emerges a hue that evokes silent, profound memories: "Cenere Di Legno". This shade, reminiscent of the remnants of a once-passionate blaze, carries with it echoes of tales told under a starry canopy. It's a symbol of nature's eternal cycle, where even endings give way to new beginnings. Just like the ashes that enrich the soil for future growth, "Cenere Di Legno" is a testament to the rebirths and renewals that are woven into the very fabric of our world. Each glance upon it serves as a gentle reminder of nature's resilience and the beauty that lies in every phase of life's journey.



RESIN: Derived from certain plants. Dried to reduce drying times.

POZZOLANA: Of volcanic origin, rich in minerals and partly rocky. Provides color, binding properties, and water resistance. Contains silicates of aluminum, calcium, and iron. In nature, serves as a fertilizer for plants.

ALUMINUM CALCIUM: Contains aluminum oxide. A mix of bauxite and calcium carbonate baked at high temperatures to produce iron and aluminum oxides. Accelerates solidification.


Environmentally Friendly: Composition is environmentally conscious.

Quantity: 250g of COLLE21 powder + COLLE21 vinyl + water = 400 ml of product.

Safety: Non-toxic. No primer required. Reduced drying times, in just a few minutes.

Instructions for Use:

Mix 60g of powder, 20g of COLLE21 vinyl glue, and 2 teaspoons of water.

Usage Recommendations:

After mixing the paste, spread about 2mm of product onto the base.

Decorate quickly (within 5 minutes max).

If more water is added, the paste becomes tough and harder to dry.

Possible decorations: stones, grass, gravel, moss, twigs, dry leaves, etc.

For a cracked earth effect: use less water.

For a dust effect: after spreading the paste, sprinkle and moisten with a spray.

Coloring: Possible with earths and pigments.

Dry use: Ideal as mortar between bricks.

Use as stucco: Applicable on various materials, including polystyrene, wood, ceramic, etc. Thanks to the resin, no primer is needed.

For a realistic ground: Dab with a damp brush after application.

Use as glue: Perfect for static grass.

Additional Resources:

For further tips and demonstrations, check out the videos by Francesca Diorama.

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